Football Fight
By Man Hasan
Mixed media, 60” x 60”
I’m pretty sure I can do this without degrading or chastising anyone’s favorite football team. I’m reasonably sure your team isn’t going or winning the Super Bowl, if they even made the playoffs at all. If you’re like me, once your team is out of contention and your teams despised rival is also eliminated, you no further have interest in the remaining NFL season. There are those who blindly love the NFL or play Fantasy Football, so there’s that. For me, bad calls and endless “play under reviews” sandwiched around lousy car insurance and cheap beer commercials to watch a sub par 9-7 team play a wildcard game isn’t keeping me tuned in.
Football Played,
By J.C Leyendecker
Lithography, 16” x 20”
And so it goes, suddenly Sundays afternoons are open. Now you may still whip up a pot of chili or pan of nachos and have some friends over, but it’s to watch Netflix or binge watch Ancient Aliens on the History Channel while bitching about your jobs.
This is a good place to endorse the “paint and sip” thing. It’s about the length of a football game but far less stressful. At any rate, you have a block of time available on Sundays. If painting and sipping (with me) isn't you’re fancy, then consider doing something else culturally enriching. Go to a museum or gallery, or maybe go see an Indy movie. Perhaps grab some friends or kids and go for a hike along a local nature trail. This forms habits for the next couple of Sundays that thinly vale a new year’s resolution.
N.A Modrogal in the Pose of Pavel, 1904
By Repin Llya
Oil on canvas, 12" x 18"
Maybe your more into alone time? Work in a sketchbook or start a sketchbook. Do something crafty. Paint a piece of furniture or download a photo editing app on your phone and play around with it. Perhaps you can research a recipe you’ve never cooked before. I know its hard to break the gravitational pull of your couch and a cozy blanket.
Sports is a distraction, I get it. But so are the arts, and it’s far more rewarding. Thus, I’m spending this particular Sunday afternoon writing this blog post.